Fact About Starlings

8 inches in length, and have a wingspan of 8-10 inches. In the summer, starlings are black with an iridescent purple and green sheen and a yellow bill. In the winter, their white speckles become more prominent. Juveniles are mousy brown with a pale chest, and lack the spotted breast of the adults.

Their typical habitats are open woods, cultivated land and urban areas.

Feed on insects, larvae, slugs, snails, earthworms and centipedes. They bustle along the ground, probing and opening their beaks in the ground until they find invertebrates. They also feed on berries and seeds.

There are many humane options for deterring pigeons from landing or nesting. It is important to do a good clean-up of any bird droppings or nesting materials before any product is installed.

Starlings are one of the most familiar birds in city areas, gathering in large numbers to feed and roost in buildings or trees. There are humane products that can help deter starlings from your property.

starling anatomy
starling anatomy details
starling flying high


If starlings have chosen to nest inside a structure, block them from rafters or beams with Bird Netting, or Bird Slope.

Bird Spikes, Bird Wire  can be used to prevent them from landing on ledges.

Sound deterrents like the Bird Chase Super Sonic are ideal for dispersing them from trees and other open spaces.

These SBM Bird Control professionals can install bird control products to solve your pest bird problems.


Starlings are ground foragers eating invertebrates, insects, berries and seeds. It may be difficult to remove any food sources unless they are feeding in a concentrated area.

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